tiistai 27. syyskuuta 2011

Tango with me, if you may

Dancing. I'm kinda of those persons who always dwell one thing at a time. This time it's dances, specifically the wonderful tango.

Whenever I hear someone say tango, my hearts starts to beat faster. For me, tango is the South-American, sexy tango with beautiful animality while dancing and nearly sex-experiences. It's one of those dances that you are not completely sure if you should watch or not, those tangoes I've seen.. they have looked more like a foreplay.

Anyways, why do I suddenly think so much about tango? Because while on monday dancing with a different partner.. Let's call him Prince Charming the Second just cause we can *smirk* I maybe felt one small tingle of the true tango. When he dipped me and smiled, or when he held me so tight to him that I sometimes felt there was no room for me to breathe and I had to sniffle his aftershave and god I've been eating chocolate few times more. (he had something chocolatey in his aftershave. chocolatey and mint, it must have been mint, he smelled so fresh and .. maybe I'm just going to stop now telling about how incredible the Prince Charming II was. ) So, after that tango experience (okay, it was the classical European version of it, but still, the music was there) I danced with my partner.

He is a curious person, that one. He had had an awful day on monday, yet the moment we started dancing, he turned into a Duracel bunny. The bunny made one and half big steps, jumped up and down up and down. He did the most wonderful things, if this just had been some ballet. Yet, with tango, not holding me properly (there would have fitted between us two and a half men.

Today I made him prove that he was man enough to do many things for me. He insisted on carrying the books, when my locker broke he spent good fifteen minutes fixing it, there was even this one time when he was so proud looking when he saw me nearly tripping and "saved me" - then held me next to him for five minutes. For him, to be a man is apparently to be the powerful one. While dancing he doesn't feel powerful enough, not  manly enough (my assumption)

The task of these weeks- find a dress and get my partner to feel man enough.

- Liz

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