perjantai 11. maaliskuuta 2011

There is something in the water, which makes me see the positive things now

I was supposed to write some sort of great, life changing text in here. Instead, I talked with my bgf (=best guy friend) for one and half hours and then of course had already forgotten what I wanted to write about.
Doesn't really matter, because I decided to do a short list. (a list maker from toe to hair)

So, here comes my Friday night list about things in general. No. Let's make everything more complicated and make me write four best things at this moment.

A great BGF I have nowadays. In a way, I think that he makes me see more positive and bright, which is kind of amazing since no one else seems to make me laugh every single time I talk with them in about three seconds. He's utterly a beautiful and wonderful person. Love him, very much (but in a friendly way)

It seems the storm is coming. I believe in kind of balance, so every time sun shines too long I think-there will be a storm somedays in here. I have no idea why, but when the storm actually comes and it gets freezing for a while, I gain the peace for a while. Just because things seem to be in balance again. Yeah, stupid, maybe. 


I had to take photos for some official things. My plan: friday after school, go and do those photos, then go home before running with your parents on a important meeting with the designer. What happened: after school, I go with my friend to eat, since we both were so hungry, which forces us to stay at the restaurant for three hours. Then the brilliance of this idea makes us giggly for five minutes: let's go to Ben&Jerry's and eat three different ice creams each. And guess what- I came fifteen minutes too late for the meeting. Didn't get pictures nor the coming home thing done. Still feeling happy.


Tomorrow. The thought about having a tomorrow with great friends planning future and having a blasted time together makes my other way study filled weekend much better. Oh, and tomorrow I should probably also study in the morning. 


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